1. S

    Starting problems

    Right, I've checked *everything* and I'm getting no spark. The points are fine, the coil isn't working....but I can't be sure it's not getting any electrical feed. There seem to be two earths, can anyone say what the craic is here? How can I check if my coil is getting any power and what is the...
  2. S

    Starting problems

    Sorry, it's petrol. I've been told it could be any number of things but if it runs ok once started, ie no backfiring or lumpiness, is it likely to be the points or more a fuelling problem?
  3. S

    Starting problems

    Hi chaps, I last used my Series 3 two weeks ago for quite a long trip and she performed perfectly. However, I went out to start her this afternoon and it was very difficult indeed (it isn't usually) but she eventually started. I then went to get something from the house whilst she idled and...
  4. S

    to fit an overdrive or not

    My 2.25 S2A does 90 up a hill in first. Some of you guys in this thread must have right old clapped-out Landies. :rolleyes:
  5. S

    Good Budget

    A Discovery will be MUCH more practical! It's a 1990's vehicle versus a 1950s vehicle. More expensive to fix and maintain though.
  6. S

    Good Budget

    Well I've had Defenders, Discos and Series so I'll give my experience... For £1500 you will get more ruggedness and nostalgia for your money with a Series *but* it will be an agricultural drive - ie slow and noisy, with no luxuries (electric windows, radio, carpets, glovebox etc)...plus you...
  7. S

    Good Budget

    Again though, it's not just the cost of the chassis is it? You'd then have to pay someone over a grand to fit it! Not everyone is a mechanic, has tons of time on their hands and has helpful mates prepared to waste their entire weekend fettling my vehicle.
  8. S

    Good Budget

    I think saying you can get a good one with a galv chassis for £1500 is optimistic myself. Sure you can get 'em with galv chassis for that price but the rest of the vehicle will be a dog. I saw a couple that were going for £15-1700 due to the chassis but they had tired engines, tired gearboxes...
  9. S

    which seats to fit??

    I prefer traditional Land Rover old-fashioned seats. Personally I think car seats and the like look a bit daft, plus they minimise legroom.
  10. S

    mud flaps

    Inside looks better but you can fix them anywhere you like!
  11. S

    Topping up gearbox and transfer box levels from inside the cab, is this possible?

    I've not looked yet but can I get to the required bolts to do this if I lift the middle seat and slide the metal lid/cover away? If I can...what am I looking for exactly? I've seen in other threads that the bolts I need to remove to top these boxes up are on the side of the units, can I get to...
  12. S

    Series 3 - how much should I see for?

    Paint the wheels and bung it on Ebay. They fetch good money...
  13. S

    Chassis number/engine/bulkhead don't match up

    Yep! ;) It's common to swap engine on 30+ year old Landies though and I for one would swap an old clapped-out diesel unit for the petrol. Looking online at the DVLA MOT history for the vehicle, the engine was changed a couple of years ago and has been MOTd as a petrol unit twice....yet still...
  14. S

    Chassis number/engine/bulkhead don't match up

    Cheers chaps, ... One other question, the logbook states 'diesel' when the vehicle in fact has the 2.25 petrol lump. The seller states that crossing out 'diesel' and putting 'petrol' on the logbook when he sends it in will suffice in getting this changed over on the V5. Is it really that simple?
  15. S

    Chassis number/engine/bulkhead don't match up

    Also, the chassis is for an 88" diesel - yet the engine is a 2 & 1/4 petrol.....Would you steer clear? She looks and drives beautifully but I am worried by the 'bitsa' thing!
  16. S

    Chassis number/engine/bulkhead don't match up

    Hi everyone, I wonder if you could give me some pointers... I've just been to view an 88" and it was made up of 2A and Series 3 components. The chassis is a Series 3, as are the wings but the engine and bulkhead are Series 2. Obviously more digging would find other swapsies I'm sure. The vehicle...
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    Big brother cluedo anyone?
  18. S

    I'm new and need advice

    The rattling gear lever isn't normal but if it doesn't jump out of gear and the actual box sounds ok then I'd put up with it. Here is an article to help you change the fluids: http://www.landrovernet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=26316 As a bit of advice, I would always loosen the filler...
  19. S

    jingle bells played backwards , strange message

    Made me jump a bit! Bastard!:eek: