1. B

    V8 Starting Issue

    Thought I’d close this off with the happy ending. Inspection of the plenum showed a split in the hose from the fuel regulator, fixed it, but still no success. Took it to the local 4x4 garage and a test showed a faulty fuel regulator. New one in and it’s running better than ever. Success!
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    V8 Starting Issue

    Ah, head gasket failure
  3. B

    V8 Starting Issue

    It’s more often that I get hesitation than a misfire. Sorry for my ignorance, what is HGF?
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    V8 Starting Issue

    Thanks for that Kev. I gave the butterfly another really thorough clean and the idle is now consistently coming down to the right level after about 15 seconds after start. Looks like that was the problem. I did buy a throttle pot off eBay which will go in my growing bag of spares for the moment...
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    V8 Starting Issue

  6. B

    V8 Starting Issue

    Latest update. Got RoverGauge, plugged in and am getting a repeat fault code on the throttle pot. Removed, cleaned and noticed some wear on the insulation but no severed wires, put back on and it seems to behave (I was getting a high idle - 2000RPM) a bit. It's intermittent, it occasionally...
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    V8 Starting Issue

    BTW - I have not discounted the possibility it could still be yet more wiring issues. Whilst a dirty butterfly is still on the list of things to sort out (I get over revving at idle), I have seen a similar problem created by wiring faults. Like I said, it's a mess under the bonnet. Many thanks...
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    V8 Starting Issue

    Apologies, thought I had closed this out. Conclusion is, after replacing a number of parts, the problem was a loose connection. It's worrying because of the lack of a definitive 'aha, that's the problem'. Anyway it got running again, it is running again. I am contemplating when work permits to...
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    V8 Starting Issue

    Thanks for the great advice. I shall be busy this weekend. Thanks for the offer Classic Kev. I may take you up on that to hear what you've got to say about it. Every day's a school day.
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    V8 Starting Issue

    Drove my V8 3.9 EFi Defender less than one mile last weekend to pick up animal feed, parked up, left it for a day then it wouldn’t start. I get no spark. This seems to be a common problem. I’m trying to diagnose the source of no spark and have tested resistance of the HT leads, it’s got brand...