1. Scipio Africanus

    Odd sound….!!

    I agree - a lot of garages now want quick turnaround jobs on newish cars. They can’t be bothered with older stuff. The car has had new water pump, thermostat and radiator but the issue persisted. Having applied the Steel Seal the problem now appears to be resolved and the engine runs sweet as...
  2. Scipio Africanus

    Odd sound….!!

    Thanks for the advice, yes this has been replaced but as I’ve just posted problem seems to be resolved following the application of Steel Seal!
  3. Scipio Africanus

    Odd sound….!!

    Thanks Scotiawhiskers that’s very kind and greatly appreciated. Apologies for the delay in responding as I have only just seen this - been laid up with Covid and then just as we were getting over that bloody Norovirus! Anyway, update is as follows: have applied Steel Seal and although I have...
  4. Scipio Africanus

    Odd sound….!!

    Ive had less expensive hobbies like personally funding every Space Shuttle mission!
  5. Scipio Africanus

    Odd sound….!!

    Mm…thanks for all the advice guys but sadly I will probably be ditching my P38. Had new rad and thermostat fitted (water pump already done) and drove about three miles before it overheated again. There are a total of three local garages so far who have flatly refused to even entertain doing...
  6. Scipio Africanus

    Odd sound….!!

    Brilliant Brian thanks for that, much appreciated.
  7. Scipio Africanus

    Odd sound….!!

    I have also tried to look at the recommended link for PaulP38.com and that appears to be dead??
  8. Scipio Africanus

    Odd sound….!!

    Thanks Kermit, yeah there’s a few out there…annoyingly many have the same part number!
  9. Scipio Africanus

    Odd sound….!!

    Hi chaps, I am about to replace the heater matrix on my P38 having replaced the radiator, thermostat and water pump. You have kindly recommended the Nissens, and I wonder if I will need any additional fitting components for the job? I have seen these two on eBay…are either of these the model I...
  10. Scipio Africanus

    Odd sound….!!

    That’s great thanks for the advice.
  11. Scipio Africanus

    Odd sound….!!

    Brilliant thanks.
  12. Scipio Africanus

    Odd sound….!!

    Brilliant thanks for that.
  13. Scipio Africanus

    Odd sound….!!

    https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Heater-Matrix-To-Fit-1994-2002-Range-Rover-P38-STC3261-/384407350498?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m2548.l6249&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0 found this on eBay not sure if this is adequate?
  14. Scipio Africanus

    Odd sound….!!

    Hi all, hope everyone is still surviving Covid? Further to my last post I have fixed the coolant leak in the engine bay, however, the heater matrix is definitely leaking and needs changing. I understand that some people on here have changed the matrix for an Audi/Nissan one…but which one should...
  15. Scipio Africanus

    Odd sound….!!

    Thanks Kermit - thought air may be the culprit. Yeah the leaks are a top priority. I’m hardly using the car at the minute as I have other stuff on the go, but I’m aware of them and feel that rather than just fixing current issues I may as well overhaul the system before I start to use the car...
  16. Scipio Africanus

    Odd sound….!!

    Morning all…another stranger one perhaps. When accelerating in my 4.0 V8 (Thor) I hear a strange sound from under the bonnet - like rushing coolant being forced through the cooling pipes. Other than a very slight weep from the join between metal and rubber pipes/hoses to the heater matrix there...
  17. Scipio Africanus

    P38A Fault code reader.

    Brilliant, thanks.
  18. Scipio Africanus

    P38A Fault code reader.

    Thanks for the advice Kermit. I’ll double-check the ABS pump kick in, and I’ll try a couple of after-market sensors and see how I get on.
  19. Scipio Africanus

    P38A Fault code reader.

    …and if after-market ones are ok is there any particular brand to look for, or should I just surf the bay?
  20. Scipio Africanus

    P38A Fault code reader.

    By the way, if I replace the ABS sensors with non-genuine ones will this still be picked up and registered as a fault in the system?