1. F

    Pre-Purchase Inspection Recommendations

    I'm very familiar with the import rules, luckily. This one has an extensive history and the original engine, so it's all good in the eyes of US Customs. I have seen that very dramatic video of US Customs causing an '07 110. A very sad sight.
  2. F

    Pre-Purchase Inspection Recommendations

    The garage has experience exporting and selling overseas, I'm just wary about making sure everything on the vehicle is as it's been represented. Anyone know if perhaps another Land Rover specialist might offer this kind of service?
  3. F

    Pre-Purchase Inspection Recommendations

    Hi all, Can anyone recommend someone to do a thorough pre-purchase inspection for a 110 located in the South East? I know the AA and RAC offer these types of services, but as the 110 I'm looking at is an 1987 model, I was hoping to find a Land Rover expert/specialist to really check everything...