1. J

    Nanocom saying BECM locked

    I've had my nanocom about 6months now. Today I changed from air to coils using the unit but now instead of saying valeo/bcu in the menu it says as10. When I click on it. Function locked! Just about to hook up to my laptop and see what's happening
  2. J

    Disabling a td5 turbo

    Oh...... Thanks for the advice. Going to order a recon unit and fit that.
  3. J

    Disabling a td5 turbo

    Hey guys. Got a 2002 D2 td5. The turbo is chattering really badly. Taken the inlet off and there's a lot of play on the shaft. My question is can I disable the turbo to stop it spooling up until I can source a replacement. I need the truck for work and don't fancy the blades shattering and...
  4. J

    Hi guys.

    Hi guys. Thanks for the add. I'm Jus from Penwortham, Preston. Picked up my first land disco 2 2003 in March. Love it. Got loads of questions, so get ready to have your heads peppered! Lol!