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    Yet another electrical puzzle.

    Hey all, another moment where after money spent on a local mechanic who was also left scratching his head, I'm stuck. Highbeam does nothing, I've replaced the entire steering switch unit but no dice. The mechanic checked everything they could think off, usual fuses, Earth etc. Got any ideas...
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    Removing dents

    Hey all, any best practice advice, tools or equipment to remove small dents on the curved part that runs down the body of the defender?
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    3.9 V8 in Series 3 advice pppleeaassee

    Will it fit..... No idea, ha. But yeah, I'm assuming it will involve moving the rad. I was looking at fitting a cummins 6bt, as a friends a mechanic for the busses. However think that's a challenge I'm not worthy of.
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    3.9 V8 in Series 3 advice pppleeaassee

    Hey all, I'm sure there are millions of threads about putting a v8 in the series 3 but I can't find a conclusive thread that covers all things. So help is truly appreciated, plus provide the usual banter for asking dumb questions and the odd angry comment from people who don't like noobs asking...
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    Please, someone help! - Persistently Problematic Problem

    @mystery Newest Problem. Now, when I turn the ignition on but not start the truck the fuel gauge and battery gauge work as they should. As soon as I turn the engine on they both drop to nothing. Obviously yet another wiring issue, but any clues?
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    Please, someone help! - Persistently Problematic Problem

    @mystery Can't thank you enough for your help in solving this. And everyone else that joined in, it was a battle no one would ever win. So... it seems that whoever had it before bodged the wiring. Meaning when I replaced the hazard switch with a new one, the traditional feeds into the switch...
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    Please, someone help! - Persistently Problematic Problem

    From that image, it's the purple and green cables at the bottom of the indicator. Whatever is occurring is definitely a major mashup up wires somewhere. She's had the bulk head removed twice and no doubt has had some bodge job cabling. However, the indicators have worked for a few years...
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    Please, someone help! - Persistently Problematic Problem

    @mystery My hazard switch wiring is different to the one you've just posted. Mine looks more like
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    Please, someone help! - Persistently Problematic Problem

    update @backinblack @Dippypud @mystery Now when i indicate in any direction.... all indicators come one. Brilliant!
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    Please, someone help! - Persistently Problematic Problem

    8vt on/off either side of the bulb. Maybe it's just running too low and something is draining it on that wire. But it would have to be draining it purely on the indicator circuit as the hazard switch gets 12volt to it, the relay is running at 10. Didn't know if there was a resistor to bring it...
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    Please, someone help! - Persistently Problematic Problem

    I get 8volts to it. I couldn't see any issues when I looked. I also held the voltmeter on the contact area for the bulb, either side of it and was getting current either side. So let's say I indicate right, the current goes from the steering wheel, to dash, then through the bulb and into the...
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    Please, someone help! - Persistently Problematic Problem

    I'll give it a shot. Worth trying anything at present but I'm drawn to the conclusion it's not the bulb as I've switched it for working bulbs (and holders) already, e.g switched it out with the oil bulb and holder which I know is working. When switching the bulbs and holders around, the oil...
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    Please, someone help! - Persistently Problematic Problem

    I'll try it, but assuming it does work if I rig a ground directly to the bulb, I assume that shows the bulb is working, the bulbs getting power, but there is still an earthing issue. How would I find the earthing issue as everything seems to be working except for that bulb.
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    Please, someone help! - Persistently Problematic Problem

    Don't think it ever did, but well I never noticed any lights come on when I start her. Just red and orange lights. No green or blue lights.
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    Please, someone help! - Persistently Problematic Problem

    Everything works, except for that damn little bulb on the dash. New relay, new switch. I'll get a picture of the switch later today.
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    Please, someone help! - Persistently Problematic Problem

    So I ran a wire from what I assume is the negative on the hazard switch to the chassis and sadly nothing. Also did the same from the relay.
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    Please, someone help! - Persistently Problematic Problem

    Also, inregards to the hazard switch... where is the ground on that? I have one red and black wire that comes out the main back of the switch, then loops back around and joins to the side of the switch. Which can be seen on the diagram, but there is no wire that looks like it's an earth wire...
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    Please, someone help! - Persistently Problematic Problem

    @mystery When finding this grounding issue. Would you say it's likely to be the relay, hazard switch or the indicator lights themselves that has a grounding issue. How would you recommend testing? As all seem to have power running to them and from them in some shape or form.