1. jack03

    New driver

    yeah I'm probably gonna end up just getting a cheap car like a golf or something like that till my insurance drops thanks for the advice
  2. jack03

    New driver

    Yes a land rover lol
  3. jack03

    New driver

    OK thank you for the info :)
  4. jack03

    New driver

    Thank you
  5. jack03

    New driver

    Hi everyone my name is Jack and I currently don''t own a car but am looking for someone to show me the ropes of green lanes near brighton in sussex any help will be apprieciated
  6. jack03

    New driver

    Hi everyone i'm Jack and i'm from Brighton, Sussex. I am currently looking for and affordable 4x4 to own as a first car any recommendations as well as possibly a couple green laning partners any age will do many thanks Jack