1. C

    series 1 parts

    thanks for the info I will have a look around .I don't own one but lockdown boredom got me looking at adding to the collection
  2. C

    series 1 parts

    cheers ill have a look
  3. C

    series 1 parts

    hello does anyone know how easy it is to get series 1 parts in the uk and where from I would of throught they would be hard to get
  4. C

    heavy breathing and oil trouble

    very true I cant understand why its just the inlet tubes myself is it common on a tdi that cam bearing move
  5. C

    heavy breathing and oil trouble

    not a bad scheme I didn't think of them at first thinking it will just stop the oil to the rocker shaft
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    heavy breathing and oil trouble

    thanks steve2286w for the extra info and that is correct its not something iv seen or heard of before .the oil level was just below the full line
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    heavy breathing and oil trouble

    I will take a look tomorrow .would you say im on the right path with this or should I investigate further .but I cant think of anything else it could be
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    heavy breathing and oil trouble

    thank you for that james would the staining be on the gasket or faces .I was starting to think it mite be a crack somewhere
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    heavy breathing and oil trouble

    hello again I have ran into a spot of bother with my 200tdi disco engine. iv never checked to se how her breathing was before but I found if I take the oil cap off its like a bonfire remove cylone breather and it pours out of there to with oil I removed the sump pipe and it dull it a very little...
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    unknowen engine

    thanks for the replies and trying to help im sure its diesel as its got series looking injectors and had it running on diesel .im not sure if its out of a ldv etc guy I got it from didn't say and I just assumed it was a standard td by the look of it .
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    unknowen engine

    sadly no I haven't any means of pics and even the interenet is pretty new to me but ill se what I can do
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    unknowen engine

    hello iv just got a defender I when to order a service kit and found something odd the engine looks like a td but the engine code is 23j what engine have I got iv had a good look online and it don't match lr numbers and that's all I know apart from its red the usual stuff really and the timing...
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    hello iv just joined glad to be here