1. G

    What have you done to your Landie today.

    Finished lining with insulating foam!
  2. G


    Making progress!!
  3. G


    Thanks to everyone for replies, I really appreciate it . Lots to think about!
  4. G


    Ooft, that’s not happening!! It’s as much for making it a bit less cold for camping as it is for noise. Maybe it’s because I’m new and it’s still a novelty, but I kinda like all the noise!
  5. G


    Noise Killer looks great, but expensive. Does this look acceptable?? https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F312786126290 Would be for roof, sides, and under lino floor...
  6. G


    Cheers!! looks like I’ll be back on eBay later....
  7. G


    And one more...!
  8. G


    And again!!
  9. G


    Here’s the beast!!
  10. G


    Hi, I’ve just recently joined, and am new to this Land Rover lark.... I’m looking for some advice, and I’m sure the answer is already on here but...... ......can you point me in the direction of the best place to buy rolls of self adhesive closed cell insulation, for lining the back of my...
  11. G


    Hi, just bought a 110 td5 hardtop, 2002 with 100000 miles. I’m in the process of cleaning out the back, priming, and repainting his that I can use it for camping in the spring. Cheers!