1. T25

    Diesel pump setting wolf waterproof

    Hi Trigga - I've not long had my W&W 90 and trying to do a few jobs myself. Could I DM you a few questions?
  2. T25

    New Defender Wolf Owner - Advice appreciated!

    Cheers Huddy - thats good to know! It's sat around a lot I'm sure - even before it got to Brightwells. I've got some tools arriving tomorrow with the Injector cleaner and filters too. If nothing else I'm enjoying getting to know my way around it! Grateful to all for the help :D
  3. T25

    New Defender Wolf Owner - Advice appreciated!

    Cheers RangeRoller, I'm enjoying learning on the go but will definitely need help so its much appreciated!! So one question I have for the floor - I'm following Knappster and Huddy's advice and servicing the fuel system to try and cure this excessive smoking issue. I've ordered a new filters...
  4. T25

    Snatch 2a Unidentifiable black box under drivers seat

    Hi Cory I'm new to all this but have just got a TUL HS FFR WW. I managed to get a PDF Copy of the Parts Catalogue which is my primary reference document at the moment. If you don't have it I can send over and it may help you?
  5. T25

    New Defender Wolf Owner - Advice appreciated!

    Hi Huddy - and thanks top tips. I hadn't thought about the sedimenter but will investigate later today. I'll take some photos too and stick them on here.
  6. T25

    New Defender Wolf Owner - Advice appreciated!

    Hi Knappster, Thanks for the pointer, I've been trawling the internet and that's definitely on my list. I was thinking about changing the fuel filter and injectors myself. Is that what you'd suggest? It was supposed to be going into the garage last week and then all this lockdown started! Bad...
  7. T25

    New Defender Wolf Owner - Advice appreciated!

    Hello everyone, I've just bought a 90 Wolf, TUL HS W&W. Always wanted a Defender and this seemed like a good way of getting one! I've had it MOT'd, Licensed etc now just looking to start bringing bits and pieces back to good condition. I had wanted to get it in with a local mechanic but due to...