1. I

    Introducing myself.

    Definitely worth it if you have a good mate to go halfs with. If not how long are you planning on keeping your disco for might be worth biting the bullet and getting one as we all know how temperamental they are at times.:(:( If you do sell it they still go for a good price just keep all the...
  2. I

    Introducing myself.

    I will mate appreciate all your help.
  3. I

    Introducing myself.

    I can believe it.Hopefully the stuff martrim supply will be good enough will have to check with them.
  4. I

    Introducing myself.

    That's where I'm going to get it from. I might have a go at it that's for the advice I will get a couple of extra spray cans and completely cover it.
  5. I

    Introducing myself.

    I rang a few places for prices, The one who did my seats said buy the fabric from martrim that's £60 he will fit it for £120 but if I clean it all up as well so all he does is fit the fabric he will only charge me about £60 to £80 so I don't mind doing the hard work.
  6. I

    Introducing myself.

    That would explain it.That's brilliant thankyou really appreciate it. Theres a place in Leicester I spoke to about doing it for me I just need to remove it and they will cover it for me for a good price as I used him to do my Honda s2000 seats. I will send him a message if I get stuck, I wont...
  7. I

    Introducing myself.

    I have a quick question for you all as I wasn't sure where to post. I don't know if I'm missing something I have been trying to search for things with the search bar in the top right. there is a post I found before joining on google that was done by Dopey regarding a roof lining fix. I can get...
  8. I

    Introducing myself.

    Me and a mate went half's on it as he has had a D2 for a while now and with me knowing I was going to get one it made sense. The way we looked at it if it cost you £30 to £40 every time you need a diagnostics reading it soon adds up and before you know it its probably not far of the cost of a...
  9. I

    Introducing myself.

    Hi mate I paid £427 for it from Nanocom off eBay. I was watching second hand ones going on eBay from £330 to £395 over the last few months and thought to myself I might as well buy new and have 12 months warranty as most were going for about £380. the other thing if you get one second hand is...
  10. I

    Introducing myself.

    Hi, Hopefully it will. My mate has a d2 and we have just put a lift kit snorkle and other bits on it so I has already come in handy for that. Makes life easier having one instead of trying to have to ask people to come and plug one in all the time. As we all know they are money pits and plenty...
  11. I

    Introducing myself.

    Hello all, Just thought I would introduce my self, My name is Ash and I'm from Tamworth in Staffordshire. I have just put a deposit down on my first Land rover Discovery 2 Td5 which I will be picking up next weekend. 1st job is a good old clean and shutter valve replacement then a couple of...