1. J

    Oil spewing out of intercooler pipe,like a couple of seconds of running

    As soon as I connect intercooler to inlet manifold that oil is comeing outa exhaust looks like an oil tanker wreck.surely a blocked breather couldn't cause that much oil outa intercooler pipe I've taken it off is that 90 degree pipe where it goes to manifold an it's spewing a couple of litres...
  2. J

    Turbo start it an it spews about 2 litres of oil outa exhaust even running it for couple of second

    Don't know how this works as say it's ****in bout 2 litres of oil outa exhaust even running it for couple of seconds no guts just want t know if could be anything other than dead turbo an what flange does turbo fit on freelander 04.cheers for any help.