1. Betty93

    How South West are you?

    St Agnes
  2. Betty93

    Defenders of Kernow

    No worries. All useful stuff for me too!
  3. Betty93

    Defenders of Kernow

    I reckon I could cut the rot out of the bottom of the door frames and get away with new skins. But then again I haven't even got a parking space outside my house, never mind a workshop! All on the list for when I win the lottery!
  4. Betty93

    Defenders of Kernow

    Hi Guys, Thanks. Plan A is to keep her road legal and running! She's absolutely first and foremost my everyday workhorse (except today as it is ****ing it down here! If I can get the money together (sell road bike/a kidney) she could do with new doors, front bumper, and some general tidying up...
  5. Betty93

    Defenders of Kernow

    Morning all. New to the forum. Last time I 'owned' a Land Rover it was a Series 1, and my Mum took pictures of me standing on the driver's seat naked pretending to drive. Well, that was back in 2019 and... ...1970's actually and now I'm a big boy and I own my own Defender 110. I grew up...