1. Dos Amigos

    Disco 1 door spring

    Right. So this cam would affect the central locking system? possibly by not operating the micro switch effectively?
  2. Dos Amigos

    Disco 1 door spring

    On closer inspection after putting it back together I noticed the cam/collar on the back of the lock barrel was damaged with a section missing. Would this stop the lock from activating the actuator as I’m now not convinced the actuator is broken.
  3. Dos Amigos

    Disco 1 door spring

    Thanks Europa. I might well do that, chance for a proper service. Good to know I’m on the right lines.
  4. Dos Amigos

    Disco 1 door spring

    I’m trying to fix the dreaded lock spring on a 3 door disco 1. The configuration on all the videos seems different to mine. Can anyone tell me, to remove the lock mechanism do I need to raise the window runners. I think I’ve done the necessary linkages but cat get the lock out. ( maybe I missed...
  5. Dos Amigos

    Hello! My first Land Rover.

    Hi Shippers. Yes a friend in Spain mentioned doing mods in Spain is not that simple, another good reason to leave it alone. As for the license I need to get onto that, thanks
  6. Dos Amigos

    Hello! My first Land Rover.

    Thanks for all the encouraging and supportive comments, glad I joined! Interesting reading about the LT230, it sounds like that might be my first job but I’ll need a second opinion before I do anything rash. If an entire re-con unit is about £750 + labour what might it cost for repairing the one...
  7. Dos Amigos

    Hello! My first Land Rover.

    Sounds like I need a review and plan of action. It’s had a good service history but I won’t get chance to have a look til Feb.
  8. Dos Amigos

    Hello! My first Land Rover.

    Lucky with the rust, hardly any. Drive chain? Transmission ... not sure what I’m talking about here but there’s a bit of lag (almost a clunk) when accelerating or taking foot off the gas, and finding third gear is an art! Sounds sweet when running tho.
  9. Dos Amigos

    Hello! My first Land Rover.

    That’s great advice, sound like I’ve got to do a bit of research. Appreciate the comments.
  10. Dos Amigos

    Hello! My first Land Rover.

    Wise words Wise words for sure. I’m going to get someone who knows a bit to see if it’s something I should be worried about.
  11. Dos Amigos

    Hello! My first Land Rover.

    Thanks for the encouraging words. It is a pretty tidy motor and I’ll try and resist any unnecessary mods but I’d be interested in what you know about AT tyres, It’s just the excitement of having an amazing vehicle. Cheers for the comment
  12. Dos Amigos

    Hello! My first Land Rover.

    That’s quite reassuring! Thanks
  13. Dos Amigos

    I’m away! Introduced myself and no doubt looking for brains to pick soon as I know more about...

    I’m away! Introduced myself and no doubt looking for brains to pick soon as I know more about what I’ve got. Cheers
  14. Dos Amigos

    Not so goonarmy! Was typing it as you commented. Check it out and I’d be interested if you know...

    Not so goonarmy! Was typing it as you commented. Check it out and I’d be interested if you know anything. Cheers
  15. Dos Amigos

    Hello! My first Land Rover.

    Hi all. Very new to this but excited about acquiring a 1992 Disco 1 with 200k on the clock. Yes I know but you have to start somewhere and I like the fact that being a bit older I won’t be so scared of tinkering. I live near Leicester but the Disco was gifted to me and my buddy by a gentleman...
  16. Dos Amigos

    Ha ha not learning fast enough it seems!

    Ha ha not learning fast enough it seems!
  17. Dos Amigos

    Learning fast

    Learning fast