1. A

    Best place to pick up a used R380 gearbox

    Thanks for the link mate. Literally just sourced on from Wales.
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    Disco 2 manual gearbox

    Unfortunately so. Just sourced a 2nd hand gearbox what has to be delivered from Wales.
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    Disco 2 manual gearbox

    Just to update you all it was the gearbox been advised best to fit another gearbox.
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    Best place to pick up a used R380 gearbox

    Hey guys as expected my gearbox has failed. I'm wondering if anyone can suggest a good place to get a second hand R380 gearbox in North Cornwall. Or anywhere that delivers them. I've had a look on ebay but not a great deal on there and also need it as quick as possible. Thanks guys
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    Disco 2 manual gearbox

    OK thanks guys, obviously not what I was hoping for but it is what it is I guess. Looks like the trip to Yorkshire is cancelled until I can get her in the garage.
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    Disco 2 manual gearbox

    Just remembered also when I got into 3rd sometimes not all the time it was like there was juddering after I had accelerated for a while. So maybe its not the bias plate and I may be looking to remortgage shortly. Or could this still be a cause from the bias plate? I will check it out tomorrow...
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    Disco 2 manual gearbox

    I will do. Haha I would have retired to bed by now too but instead I'm up reading about my landrover problems . Oh I do love landrover's.
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    Disco 2 manual gearbox

    Thanks for that. I will take a look tomorrow and pray that this is the problem as I'm sure it will be the best problem I could ask for relating to this. Fingers crossed. I'll post back tomorrow and let you know. Cheers for the help.
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    Disco 2 manual gearbox

    OK thanks for replying I'm clueless myself, can't say I know much about gearboxes.
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    Disco 2 manual gearbox

    Hi everyone. Due to drive from Cornwall to Yorkshire on the 28th. After problems with my oil pressure light the other day now been fixed, another problem has appeared. I went to go into 2nd gear around a roundabout and it wouldn't go in so tried 3rd that wouldn't either. So rolled to side of...
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    Oil pressure light

    Thanks for replying to me. Good to hear I've done something right today then even if it is a little bit wrong lol. Hopefully someone will be along soon then to give me some reassurance or bad news. Cheers
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    Oil pressure light

    brianp38dse I posted this comment into the landrover discovery forum also but don't seem to be getting a reply. Am I doing things wrong around here. Any tips as to where I should post it. Thanks
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    Oil pressure light

    Hi there. Thanks for the welcome.
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    Oil pressure light

    Forums>Community>Introduce Yourself> Oil pressure light < Previous Thread | Next Thread > Unwatch Thread Adz1980New Member Hi everyone. I'm new here and desperately seeking some advice. I own a 2004 discovery 2 td5. The other day I hit some rather deep flood water on the road faster than I...
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    Oil pressure light

    Hi everyone. I'm new here and desperately seeking some advice. I own a 2004 discovery 2 td5. The other day I hit some rather deep flood water on the road faster than I would have liked to but didn't see it until it was too late so I catrried on ploughing through it. All was fine went home parked...