1. E

    About to go dig a Series 1 out of an African bush...what parts should I take?

    For the same reason i don't just drive around in a comfortable, efficient quiet Prius....where's the fun in that? In all seriousness, yes, I could just put it onto a truck, to the port and then ship it back to the UK but I'm out there for 2 months, may as well have a good stab at getting it...
  2. E

    About to go dig a Series 1 out of an African bush...what parts should I take?

    Cheers for the welcome With regards to a bit of background here. When I last went out to Africa staying with friends the chap I was staying with has a lot of old series 1s lair up in his yard. They used to be farm vehicles but got too outdated so were parked up. Anyway various agreements were...
  3. E

    About to go dig a Series 1 out of an African bush...what parts should I take?

    So, I'm about to embark on a trip to dig an 86" Series 1 that I have acquired out of a bush, the only hitch is the car (and bush) are in Africa! I've got about 2 months to dig the thing out (It's been sitting a long, long while) and hopefully get it in a running state. My aim is to get it into a...