1. J

    P38 Limited Edition - Is it a vogue?

    Blessed those who, having nothing to say, keep their mouths shut. To you, it might be bling. To me, it's sharing knowledge. Since your replies were nothing more than a crude trolling, I consider this conversation as concluded. Unless, of course, you have a problem with p38a or fl and want to...
  2. J

    P38 Limited Edition - Is it a vogue?

    You will never be as sure, as I am. Unless you cross reference your knowledge with mine, quote the sources Let's say, that with knowledge and experience I have accumulated over the years since I bought my first P38, I do believe that I am right. And so do a good number of people I helped.
  3. J

    P38 Limited Edition - Is it a vogue?

    Yes, but people read these old comments. Hence your rather pinching reply. And if somebody posted a load of bs 10 years ago, there's no harm in putting things right. Unless, of course, people want to stay ignorant or misinformed.
  4. J

    Whats special about a Limited edition????

    You, Sir, have a totally wrong idea, how limited edition models where conceived.
  5. J

    P38 Limited Edition - Is it a vogue?

    First Autobiography didn't have any extra plates to distinguish them as autobiography. Mine hasn't got. Yes, most have, but not all. This was due to different procedures within the Company when building Autobiography models.
  6. J

    Where do you live?

    Hello everyone, Finally joined LZ after reading it for many years now. I'm Polish living in East Sussex. Got 2004 FL V6 SP and 1997 RR P38A Autobiography (1 of 30 so called CARiN Limited Edition). I'm a keen home mechanic with a fair amount of knowledge in both FLs and P38As. In two/three years...