1. N

    New member

    Hi Kazz. Welcome. How come you used to hate Land Rovers? Glad you like em now.
  2. N

    LRO Show "The Big One"

    I've got it on the calendar. Might take the lightweight.
  3. N

    Perkins Prima Conversions

    Good. I had it down as generous given that there would be fiddly bits. Current plan is to reconsider next spring. Get the car sorted out properly, then if I decide to go for it, do it myself if possible. But like I've said on another thread tonight, I am easing away from the idea for now.
  4. N

    24 volts

    It ain't simple is right. The lightweight's going onto eBay shortly. I wish I had more space and more money because it is a lovely car. One of the last lightweights made, original - like really, really original, got a fantastic feel. Anyway, I've bought my lottery ticket and if it comes up...
  5. N

    Salisbury axles

    I've been thinking a lot recently about the Prima transplant and whilst I have not given up on the idea, I have decided to shelve it until I have the long list of other bits of work done. I have had this 2a for 15 years and from the start I said that I would put a diesel engine in but never...
  6. N

    Perkins Prima Conversions

    The plan for this winter is to fit a Perkins Prima turbo diesel into my 2a 109. Just before I launch into this project I would really like to know how much this would cost me to have done by someone who has done it before, probably a garage but could be an enthusiast. I reckon about 3 / 4...
  7. N

    24 volts

    Perfect reply. Thanks. That's saved a lot of time and bother!
  8. N

    Can you help?

    Good on ya, Laura. A chassis up re-build! It's the only way. The problem is that once you've done it, you'll never be able to sell the old girl.......too much emotional attachment. Your story sounds like me. The first landy I bought had a rotten chassis and I had to re-build it knowing next...
  9. N

    Salisbury axles

    Thanks Teflon, dig your website by the way. DIY means different things to different people but I think that with my knowledge and my tools I need to keep looking for a supplier to recon this diff for me. If you hear of anyone, let me know. It's not urgent, but I would really like to get it...
  10. N

    24 volts

    Is it a hassle to convert from 24 volts to 12? The reason that I am asking the question is that I have assumed that if a Perkins prima is put into a lightweight, then the electrics would have to be 12 volt and I have assumed that you can't have 12 volt engine electrics and 24 volt for the rest...
  11. N

    Salisbury axles

    Can Salisbury axles be reconditioned? If so, does anyone know of a good supplier for doing it?
  12. N

    Brakes again!!!

    Giles, Bleeding LR brakes sucks ! You are not alone in your suffering. I do not have the answer for you although in the magazines and online searching through google brings up various ways of doing it. I tend to get the professionals to do it if possible. However, I am going to have to a...
  13. N


    Doing a bit of web research I came across that recently it has been necessary to hire a local guide in southern Algeria for security reasons. Anyone know of any expedition experience that supports/denies this?
  14. N


    Hi, I have been prompted to introduce myself as a new person to the forum. I have a 1964 109in Sa2 ex-Fitted For Radio army beast (no longer original, e.g. S3 bulkhead which I will replace with a S2a again some day) which I have had about 15 years. I rebuilt most of it , however, the bulkhead...