1. L

    Discovery 2 TD5 Auto won't move

    Yes they fit inside the converter, bit it has been worn out by time, så i flipped it upside down and mounted it again. No the converter is removed from the engine before i tok the gearbox down. The oil looks fine and red. Can't ser any metall either.
  2. L

    Discovery 2 TD5 Auto won't move

    Hi again! Today i opened the second gearbox i hadde and found that the finner gear om this has tjue same problem, it's worn out so i turned it upside down, mounted it back together and installed it inn the disco. Started it without the transferbox and the shaft out of the gearbox was turning...
  3. L

    Discovery 2 TD5 Auto won't move

    Tok the oilpump apart from the old gearbox, it seems like the inner gear is worn. I can't take it off from the shaft with the splines on.
  4. L

    Discovery 2 TD5 Auto won't move

    Thank you, i will check it tomorrow
  5. L

    Discovery 2 TD5 Auto won't move

    Sorry for a late answer! Yes I was talking about thw oil pipes to the cooler. It has done 240 000 km. I havnet hadde it som long, but previous owner had regularly oil changes. It can be the oil pump, but is there any other way to confim it?? The oil level inn the oil sump is OK, dropping out og...
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    Discovery 2 TD5 Auto won't move

    Hi! My Discovery 2 won't move at all. I was Driving and then suddenly it had a loss og power up a steep hill. Then i put the accelerator to the floor and the engine rpm went up but the var didn't any faster. I almost came on top og the hill and i just had to stop beside the road, because all...