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    TD5 Service:Engine oil, brake fluid

    Hi folks. Just bought a drum of Millers oils XSS 5w30 for my TD5 Defender, in prep for an oil change. However, as I'll be having the performance on my TD5 upped (again!) soon, a la IRB developments/Bell Autos, when I came across this on difflocks forum " However, if you have any performance...
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    How to KEEP the TD5?! Please advise

    Only just bought the Audi. Was going to sell the Defender but finding it hard to let go. Found great insurance too: Think I've cracked it! Insurance: Sureterm Direct £345 for 12 months cover. Can be split into 2 payments (NO extra charge) £172.50 for 6 months at a time. * Includes...
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    How to KEEP the TD5?! Please advise

    FlexiBell insurance: £331 10 month bonus accellerator. Not too bad. Might convert it to a County hard top too. Sell the 4 rear seats, interior trim+sliding windows.
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    How to KEEP the TD5?! Please advise

    In 2004 after many years of driving my parents VW polo I purchased my first vehicle. A Land Rover Defender TD5 90 CSW. My dream for many years. Earlier this year through my father I dropped on a nice Audi A4 Avant 2.0 tdi and after borrowing a few bob from my old man managed to purchase the...
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    New Defender 90 in Wakefield, West Yorkshire

    Hi Steve! :) You have PM from Ponte! :D