1. Littlenicky

    Advice? Should I upgrade to a 405?

    Yes its been great but rear ends now rotted out. I keep looking out for another l322 but alot seem to have the same problem or done alot more miles than mine. Half thinking its better the devil you know but the garage quoted 4-5k and I still have suspension problems that wasn't included. Equally...
  2. Littlenicky

    Advice? Should I upgrade to a 405?

    It feels wrong doesn't it! Mines cream and I feel terrible but its so muddy at the moment I'm never clean getting into it 🤦‍♀️ Yeah I think the 4.4? A little more forgiving on the insurance but still quite a bit more than the l322. Have been looking at a couple other options but I feel a...
  3. Littlenicky

    Advice? Should I upgrade to a 405?

    Because the l322 is already trashed and been used as a work horse for many years. Getting something newer, cleaner and more money does make me think twice. I have a 3L 54 plate, but needs alot of work to keep it on the road. It pulls well and the engines been good. Just suspension and rust is...
  4. Littlenicky

    Advice? Should I upgrade to a 405?

    Yes I know what you mean, all very car like now. I like the bigger vehicles, so good that its bigger and like the fact they are heavy on the ass end u like some pick ups. Might go and see if I can test drive one 😊
  5. Littlenicky

    Advice? Should I upgrade to a 405?

    Hello 😊 I'm looking for some general advice. I've always been a Range Rover owner - Classic, p38 now a l322. Ive loved all of them anfld I'm considering going for a 405 next, but it will be used as a work horse and I'm worried I'm going to trash it! It will be used for towing mostly and other...
  6. Littlenicky

    Newbie and question

    Hello :) new to the forum but long term Landy owner with a l322 and series 2a. I have a quick question reguarding the sat nav in my l322 (54 plate). The unit in the boot seems to be missing and with traveling quite abit round the country I feel it would be helpful to fit one! Could anyone hook...