1. Billyboy106

    Battery woes

    Thank you everyone for your input. Latest is that after 2 days connected with no start or use, new battery has been checked and found to have dropped to 78% of charge but still showing over 12 volts. This confirms it was a faulty battery. However is 22% drop in charge acceptable or does it prove...
  2. Billyboy106

    Battery woes

    Latest is dealer fully recharged battery and left overnight with no power drop. Showing 12.7v Then connected up to car to get immediate voltage drop to 12.3v then stabilised at 12.4v. Left connected but unused Saturday and Sunday. This morning (Monday)the battery is totally flat. Dealer now...
  3. Billyboy106

    Battery woes

    2012 TDV8 Vogue I love this car despite the flaky electrics. Following alarm problems solved by reading this forum on purchase in May had new battery and doors reprogrammed. (Dealer had replaced bonnet catch and 2 door catches following diagnostics to no effect) Went fine for one week then...
  4. Billyboy106

    Fabulous Range Rover, flaky electronics!

    Fabulous Range Rover, flaky electronics!