1. F

    Disco 2 Battery replace

    No I didn’t check it was meant but never got round to it, checking that now
  2. F

    Disco 2 Battery replace

    Yea just won’t start, was fine from last Sunday till today
  3. F

    Disco 2 Battery replace

    That one
  4. F

    Disco 2 Battery replace

    Yea battery is on charge now, it’s been all right till today, replaced those last Sunday been good for a week, started every time and everything till this morning
  5. F

    Disco 2 Battery replace

    Battery tester, come to start it this morning and wouldn’t start so tested battery and it says replace
  6. F

    Disco 2 Battery replace

    So I put a new battery, fuel pressure regulator and new fuel pump on a week ago, won’t start again and it’s telling me to replace battery again when I tested it! Can’t be right can it? Brand new battery and it’s telling me to replace after a week, it’s got to be something else that’s screwing...
  7. F

    Disco 2 Won’t start

    Don’t have a voltmeter to hand, not sure if anyone has one I know, will charge it tonight and see if it runs in morning
  8. F

    Disco 2 fuel priming

    Yea they right, i think mines alternator, when in 2nd position on key battery light doesn’t go out like it should before starting, so borrowing a charger and charging battery if it starts I know it’s that! 99.9% sure it is, have a feeling!
  9. F

    Disco 2 fuel priming

    Dumb question what actually is right order?
  10. F

    Disco 2 fuel priming

    Having the exact same problem!!!
  11. F

    Disco 2 Won’t start

    So I bought a TD5 recently and was fine for about 4 days, did 250 miles or so before started with a problem off not starting, went laneing Monday had fun etc etc, on way back she died, not a clue what it was so towed it back left it for 2 days, checked fuel pump, changed fuel filter, found out...