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    Defender TD5 Fuel Pump Issue!

    Near the plug on the pump where it goes over the top of the chassis is where I found my issue
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    Defender TD5 Fuel Pump Issue!

    Found it!! Was a cable worn through
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    Defender TD5 Fuel Pump Issue!

    Just tried this but no joy, same outcome on the Hawkeye, can here it clicking but no buzz Thanks
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    Defender TD5 Fuel Pump Issue!

    Hi all, Looking for a little advice. I seem to have an issue with the fuel pump, it started up and drove as normal for about a mile before it conked out. I tried starting again but no fuel pump buzz. Now I tried a priming cycle and nothing happens. I also tried draining some fuel from the...
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    Hi All

    Haha yes, had a few issues but nothing yet that I’ve not managed to sort, although wish I’d have took time over them would’ve saved a few quid seeing as most of my issues seem to have been cheap fixes in the end
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    Hi All

    Hi All Just introducing myself I’ve had a defender for just over 2 years now and love it to bits, there’s always something to do on her. Defender 90 td5 in black