1. M

    Is it worth sealing the chassis

    Which one in your opinion is the best?
  2. M

    Looking to buy a replacement discovery 2.

    Thanks for the heads up I'll do something like that. Just go around looking at loads first. Would be nice to find a good one first though. Thanks!
  3. M

    Importing disco to france

    Thanks for that very useful bit of information about chassis vim. I'll make sure I get it done. But surely the vim in the dashboard is enough no? How was the general condition of your rear chassis? Did you get any problems you needed to fix for the next time? Here is what I had for a UK...
  4. M

    Is it worth sealing the chassis

    Ah right got ya. I've learned something new today. Thanks!
  5. M

    Importing disco to france

    I feel the same way about the discovery 2's. It's a perfect everyday vehicle. Thanks Matt
  6. M

    Is it worth sealing the chassis

    Thanks for the replies. I'll keep that in mind. I'll give both a go. I use tectyl at work. The dinitrol sounds very interesting especially to fill the cavities. I don't understand why they aren't plugged or filled. I wonder if you can just fill it with expanding foam in the...
  7. M

    New to here

    Hello everyone thanks for the warm welcome. @Hippo, Yeah I'll give it a go. This is all I have unfortunately. I'm away from home so I only have this rubbish photo. Basically it has a hole in the rear part. It appears that the previous owner protected the outside of the chassis but...
  8. M

    Is it worth sealing the chassis

    Hello everyone, I'm wanting to find out what everyone would recommend for protecting the chassis and body. I live in a area where corrosion is bad on vehicles due to the salt. So is sealing worth it ? If so who or which brand. Thanks Matt
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    Importing disco to france

    Yeah I heard about the driving licenses. I managed to get my licence last year it was a serious pain. Nearly 6 months! Lol We have also registered a car from outside the eu.(Mexico) And all they care about is the conformity certificate. If it has one of them then they're happy. So my...
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    New to here

  11. M

    Importing disco to france

    Hey Ian, Thanks for your reply. Yeah I intend to keep it forever type thing and not selling it. I looked really hard in france but I'm looking at twice the price at least. For between 4 and 6 K You don't get much. I've imported a couple of cars already from the uk. But they're...
  12. M

    Importing disco to france

    Hello everyone, I'm looking to import a discovery 2 from the uk as they're way cheaper than france. Has anyone experienced issues with the CT if the rear part of the chassis has been replaced. Or even patched? I hear they're strict about it. I just had to take off the road my current disco...
  13. M

    Looking to buy a replacement discovery 2.

    Hello everyone, Sorry if this isn't in the correct place. Can anyone recommend where's best to find a well looked after discovery 2. I'd rather buy from someone direct than via a dealer. I'm on autotrader etc but it's mostly dealers and they seem to forget to mention issues until you...
  14. M

    New to here

    Hello everyone! I have joined as I am about to buy another discovery 2 as I really like them. I just had to take off the road the previous 2001 discovery as the whole chassis was corroded. I live in france in the alps and they're very strict with the French mot's on modications to the...