1. M

    ECU wiring

    Hi, I have a suspected broken wire too, are these the wires that appear under the air intake behind the EGR? Many thanks, Mac.
  2. M

    Tailgate microswitch

    G'day! Do any of you know whether the replacement kit on ebay is a good fix, I ask only because my microswitch has 3 wires coming from it and the pic on ebay only appears to have 2. Alternatively, where else can I obtain one without paying a stupendous amount of cash ?
  3. M


    Thanks for the add, I am currently on my second Freelander 1, love'm to bits, I sold the first one (T reg) yesterday with 151000 miles on the clock and still going strong. Now I have a 52 plate with a couple of issues but hopefully easily rectified.