1. S

    Disco 2 Electric seat movement issue

    Thanks for the advice, the next time I'm working at it I will try the runners to see if they are stuck. I have to replace the oil cooler first and every nut and bolt is seized and this is me only trying to get to the oil cooler. Oh the things we decide to do in life. Thanks again.
  2. S

    Disco 2 Electric seat movement issue

    Thanks Discool. Hopefully that will be all that's required.
  3. S

    Disco 2 Electric seat movement issue

    Hi everyone. I recently bought a 1999 Discovery 2, hoping to get it fixed up and put back on the road. I am currently stuck when it comes to the electric seat movement. When I started with the Discovery none of the electric controls worked. I took the switch apart, give it a good clean, rebuilt...