1. G

    Cold weather - help

    After reading some other posts, I turned the ignition on and pumped the gas 5 times and definitely heard the fuel pump working. No grinding or weird noises, more like a low groan that would go on for a few seconds then off. I've noticed that ALL the cables have had problems in the weather...
  2. G

    Cold weather - help

    I am in the land of igloos and moose. Also known as Canada (Edmonton, AB to be specific.) It warmed up to a balmy -22ºC today. At the lack of options, I ran to work on Wednesday in -32ºC and it was 10.5k. Training pays off some days! We had a nasty cold snap come through dropping temps...
  3. G

    Cold weather - help

    I have 2000 Land Rover Discovery and am running into a few problems. It got down to about -43ºC here on Monday. Car started fine (with a little hesitation, but started.) Halfway home, all the lights on the dash came on, and the whole car stopped. Refused to start again. Got Rover towed...