1. robnelly

    CJS Custom Land Rovers - Charlie (Charles) Smailes

    Just a heads up and a warning to all from the US and elsewhere. Charlie Smailes is back at it and selling Defender under a new company name. CJS Custom Land Rovers. Please reference previous posts about Charlie Smailes. Do not trust this individual. Do not buy from this individual. Multiple...
  2. robnelly

    Foxhills Defender Centre, Surrey

    Close to 6 months now and Charles still hasn't sent me any paperwork.
  3. robnelly

    Foxhills Defender Centre, Surrey

    I am coming up on 5 months since I bought these vehicles from Charles Smailes and he still has not sent me my paperwork for the vehicles. No V5C (registration) or the Invoice. Again I can't register these vehicles without the paperwork. Charlie do you have any excuse?
  4. robnelly

    Foxhills Defender Centre, Surrey

    Still waiting on the paperwork for the vehicles Charlie..... Can't get them registered till I do. I will continue to keep the forum posted on if I receive them.
  5. robnelly

    Foxhills Defender Centre, Surrey

    Charlie just stop. A few trim pieces????? Please refer to the following list of items. Vehicle #1 - White 110 - The following problems: Came with absolutely zero carpet. All pictures shown to me had carpet in it. Missing a back bench seat. All seats in the vehicle had been switched to crappy...
  6. robnelly

    Foxhills Defender Centre, Surrey

    Yea yea I know........
  7. robnelly

    Foxhills Defender Centre, Surrey

    Dude no joke I have done a search on all the other Defender forums and there are stories popping up everywhere about him sending absolute rust buckets with loads of repairs needed.
  8. robnelly

    Foxhills Defender Centre, Surrey

    Hey Guys, I'm new here. But I just finished shipping 4 vehicles with Charlie Smailes with Landy Centre. He is currently going by the company name of Landy Centre but as you can see from the previous posts it has changed throughout the years. His website is here...