1. H

    Locking problem

    I'm thinking this may be related to a failing keyfob battery on a 2003 FL1. Recently I've had a few beeps from the dash upon unlocking the car. For the last two days the drivers door doesn't unlock by the fob but the other doors do however the drivers door does lock by the fob. Is this a...
  2. H

    Why did you....?

    This is very interesting. Here in Northumberland (I've been here 11 years but from Yorkshire originally) the Freelander is a very popular vehicle. With is being a semi-rural area (I mean any town is just 5mins from the countryside) Land Rovers seem to be the vehicle of choice. FL1's are...
  3. H

    Fitting fog lamps

    Thank you. I already have some driving lamps (round 4" LED ones, said to be 27W but very good) hooked up to the main beam via a usual aftermarket relay. I'll have to Google the wiring loom for fog lights and if it's plug and play it'll solve a lot of things. Sounds like a great way to do it :)
  4. H

    Why did you....?

    Curiosity here. What made you choose a Freelander? For me I liked the look of the FL1 anyway and when I needed a new car a FL1 came up half the book price so I grabbed it. In the real world I wanted Land Rover capability in an easy to use vehicle that does everything daily but doesn't cost...
  5. H

    Fitting fog lamps

    Cheers Nodge. I just need to work out where the relay is supposed to be, what relay to get, and where to hook up the live wire to in the fusebox. I've had a few on FB groups say "Oh just put a switch in from a relay kit" but realisticly the factory wiring is there above the rear lamp switch...
  6. H


    That's true about salt. I was out on the boat a few weeks ago and when the spray from the sea dried on my specs it was like they'd been whitewashed lol. It's surprising just how much salt is in sea water.
  7. H

    Freelander 1 2008 need to stop alarm sounding

    If you're struggling for cash there's a guy on Freelander Owners Club on Facebook who breaks Freelanders and did me a fuel cap with key for a few quid, I'm sure he'd do you a lock and key very cheap. I would definitely get the lock fixed asap. Apart from security insurance companies would have a...
  8. H


    Looks a stunning place and that's a cracking fish. There are a few locations locally where I can get the Freelander very close to the water at the beaches but I don't take her on the sand (I've seen too many reports of 4x4s getting bogged down on beaches with dire consequences). My local beach...
  9. H


    Cheers Grumpy I don't sit inside when fishing, the Mrs does (she fishes too but doesn't like the cold too much). Where that pic was taken (Blyth Quayside) the tripods were being blown over so we tried the rear window and it really works. Personally I just sit on the other side of the car...
  10. H


    Cheers Hippo and I do agree on that comment :) Gotta love the FL1, it's a proper Ronseal vehicle, does what it says on the tin :)
  11. H

    Where do you live?

    Hi Live in Northumberland, close to the sea, been here 11 years but from Yorkshire originally. My little 03 plate FL1 serves me well around here and it's surprising how popular Land Rovers are around here. And belive me, when the weather comes in from the North Sea you're glad you're in a Land...
  12. H

    Fitting fog lamps

    Hi all This has probably been asked before and if so apologies for missing any previous posts. I'm thinking of fitting some fog lamps in the lower grille on my FL1 (beneath the number plate) and upon checking I have wiring in the blank above the rear fog lamp switch which I assume is for front...
  13. H


    Hi all Just thought I'd introduce myself as I'll probably end up asking loads of advice when money allows me to spruce up the motor. I'm the proud owner of a 2003 Freelander 1.8. Had her nearly 3 years and she's been brilliant. Apart from brakelines at the last MoT she's cost me next to...