1. Boris66

    Petrol additive /lead replacement.

    Thanks for Thanks for that rob1miles. Cheers Boris66.
  2. Boris66

    Petrol additive /lead replacement.

    Thanks John S, I'll look into doing this. Cheers Boris66
  3. Boris66

    Petrol additive /lead replacement.

    Thanks Wireman.
  4. Boris66

    Petrol additive /lead replacement.

    Good point Colthebrummie
  5. Boris66

    Petrol additive /lead replacement.

    Hi Edlandy, sounds like a plan. Cheers Boris66
  6. Boris66

    Petrol additive /lead replacement.

    Hello Blackburn, OK, maybe its down to personal preference. Cheers Boris66
  7. Boris66

    Petrol additive /lead replacement.

    Thanks Colthebrummie, great to get such a quick response. Cheers again.
  8. Boris66

    Petrol additive /lead replacement.

    Hello there, I have a Series 2a 1967 SWB petrol 88, the chap I bought it from was putting an additive in the tank every time he filled up. As a novice Landy owner, do I need to use the additive ? Cheers in advance of any help.
  9. Boris66

    New to LandyZone.

    Hello, just got series 2a swb, 67. Slightly frightening to drive, but getting the hang of it. Still grinning from ear to ear. I'm sure I'll have questions soon.