1. P

    Gearbox blown

    General concensus is that a '(un)fit for purpose argument with CAB backing seems to be the way ahead. Thanks for all the input. Off to give their customer service more practice on how to get it right
  2. P

    Gearbox blown

    Thanks for the name and number. Do you know if he is a senior exec or one of their customer service people?
  3. P

    Gearbox blown

    Thanks will do - just found the RR section!
  4. P

    Gearbox blown

    Thanks for the suggestions. It is about 3 months out of warranty so I am trying to track down the right decision maker at Land Rover as the Customer Service people only have limited authority which they have used to offer me 50% off the £4k cost. Even at £2k it is not acceptable in my view.
  5. P

    Gearbox blown

    Help please I am the owner of a Range Rover Vogue registered in October 2004. Petrol V8 The car has just over 50,000 miles on it and last week suffered a gear box failure. The tecky at the garage indicated that they had a few of these recently and Land Rover are being very cagey. The...