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    Freelander 1 UREGNT advise needed

    Ah hell. Started taking the dash out, and it's like layers on layers. Sooooo...going to Landrover to order a key........feck it....
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    Freelander 1 UREGNT advise needed

    He replied very quickly, which bodes well. Recons if i send the door lock and the ECU (he referred to as EWS) he can make a key and code a chip. Even sent me a photo of he EWS so I know what I am looking for. So still got to remove dash, but that's relatively easier than I had feared. Thanks...
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    Freelander 1 UREGNT advise needed

    Just to clarify, when you say Remove Dash, is this the entire dash or just the binial (Clocks, Display etc) at Drives Steering Wheel? Thanks again.
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    Freelander 1 UREGNT advise needed

    Thanks I dopped him and email, and currently on knees praying and lighting candles......
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    Freelander 1 UREGNT advise needed

    I don't have original key to cut from, And Landover (2 Main Dealers tried) reporting out of stock and a long lead time to get. I don't have the original remote fob either (all lost) so if picking up from a breakers, will be trying to get all locks keys and fobs from the donner car. So , if I...
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    Freelander 1 UREGNT advise needed

    Thanks to all That has been very helpful (And depressing) Another quick note. I am aware that the FOB (To lock/unlock the doors) runs on a different control unit (I think) where is it and how easy hard is it to get out (or if the entire DASH is out is the work already done?) Thanks again.
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    Freelander 1 UREGNT advise needed

    Thanks. Notice ones on Ebay all came with a Dash. Do I need to replace the dash as well? And how would that affect milage??
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    Freelander 1 UREGNT advise needed

    Thanks Found a kit on Ebay seems to match. Going to give the house a spring clean in last ditch attempt to find the fecking key.....If I don't find it, ordering the kit of ebay. Don't think a new Uncut or Unprogrammed key will work ,as I don't have an original to cut from, even if they can...
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    Freelander 1 UREGNT advise needed

    Thanks Ill try that. Anyone able to give details how to fgo about this. Clear on the Physical locks (door, Ignitions, Boot etc) replacement, but how to get ECU out and perhaps some tips on what to look for or be aware off. Thanks all.
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    Freelander 1 UREGNT advise needed

    I understand that part, but I cant get a new Key with a transponder.... Looks like a complete new ECU and New Keys and Barrels. Feck anyone know a,.link to how to change the ECU, and assuming same model and engine, will a 4 Door model ECU work okay with a 3 door?
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    Freelander 1 UREGNT advise needed

    I know if I had the key I could get one cut, but how do i fix the issue of the security chip in the fob.
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    Freelander 1 UREGNT advise needed

    2004 FL1, 3 Door, 2.00 TD4 engine I have lost the only key I have . Landrover Dealers (2 tried) advised out of stock for replacement and long back order. Any one any idea of best way to get it going?. Car is unlocked and at my home, so no issues about getting it moved, but I need to get her...
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    Freelander 1 Pre or post facelift FL1.

    I agree internally the face lift is better, double din capability alone.. but its externally I'm interested in opinion. Thanks all...
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    Freelander 1 Pre or post facelift FL1.

    Just an opinion. But what is the opinion of peeps on which looks the best externally. Personally, I prefer the FL1 in pre face lift guise. This has probably been done before, but I can't see one.. so poll is best look externally..
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    Freelander 1 Drivers Door adjustment

    Don't understand that at all. Not an alignment issue. Door sits down slightly. Just not sure how to adjust door. Hinges or keeper/latch? And if one of these best way to do it.
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    Freelander 1 Drivers Door adjustment

    Picked up a matching door for my 3 door . I need to adjust it slightly. Upwards. It sits a bit low. What's the best way to do this. Currently it closes okay but needs a good push to get onto the latch.
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    Freelander 1 3 Door Parcel Shelf on Ebay

    This on ebay, and at this date still available. I managed to get one, so don't need it. good luck https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/155673706527?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=cqP2CDQxSYu&sssrc=2047675&ssuid=Bo8R34eMSui&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
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    Freelander 1 Search for a Shower cover (rain cover)

    I know, but people are looking mental prices. I picked up a new old one 6 months ago for £120...never opened..
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    Freelander 1 Search for a Shower cover (rain cover)

    Shower cover on ebay, theres a couple https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/115823185660?epid=649076344&hash=item1af7998efc:g:LUAAAOSw08Nke1kM At £399 o_O:eek:
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    Freelander 1 Yet more noises

    As before, all new matching , less than 2000 Miles on then. So for the ongoing hum/scobing at rear, gave up identifying and sending to a greater power (the mechanic) Hopefully will have an idea by Wednesday.