1. Y

    Freelander 1 alarm

    I've discovered that my Freelander 1 alarm goes off when it's windy but only when I have a windscreen frost cover on. After a few tests, ANY movement of the aluminized cover sets off the alarm. This is the first time I've ever seen this effect on a car ! It appears to be the inside movement...
  2. Y

    Freelander K6 head woes

    - Just in case anyone was following this and considering a head swap on the K series 1.8 (see above), I can report that all went well with my new head and MLS gasket. So far (fingers crossed) she's performing well with no more coolant loss. The cylinder head kit complete with water pump, etc...
  3. Y

    Freelander K6 head woes

    Thanks guys, for the help. As it turns out, I've found a brand new head with valves fitted at a reasonable price. Hopefully will have more chance of success with this. Cheers.
  4. Y

    Freelander K6 head woes

    Thanks again for the great, friendly replies! Hopefully will be back on the road in a couple of weeks.
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    Freelander K6 head woes

    Thank you so much for your advice. So I've decided to buy a "remanufactured" head, ready skimmed, etc, rather than have my own redone. From what you are saying, it would be better to go for an elastomer gasket. Just to be clear, this is as per OEM Rover part, yes ? Although I see there are many...
  6. Y

    Freelander K6 head woes

    Oh, and another question.. I was looking for a complete refurbished replacement head and a lot are referenced "auto-tensioner". Are all 1.8L K4's "auto-tensioner" ?
  7. Y

    Freelander K6 head woes

    Many thanks. Yes, K4 ! Sorry 'bout that ! I'm surprised you don't like the MLS, all the "expert" resellers seem to recommend it unless there is a problem with liner height. -Do you know how I can measure the head to work out how much has already been skimmed off ?
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    Freelander K6 head woes

    Hi all, New to the forum and living in France, I've just bought a Freelander 1 with the 1.8L K6 engine (I know, I know, I must be an idiot) but it seemed fine when the nice man sold it to me. And yes, it now has head gasket problems. So the head is now off and I can see a mark on the head were...
  9. Y

    K6 head skimming woes

    Hi all, New to the forum and living in France, I've just bought a Freelander 1 with the 1.8L K6 engine (I know, I know, I must be an idiot) but it seemed fine when the nice man sold it to me. And yes, it now has head gasket problems. So the head is now off and I can see a mark on the head were...