1. F

    Fuel burning heater on constantly

    Hmm. Sounds like thermostat is buggered. Shame as I hear it’s a big job to replace.
  2. F

    Fuel burning heater on constantly

    Am I in imminent danger?
  3. F

    Fuel burning heater on constantly

    my fbh is on permanently at the moment. It’s cold but not below 5 degrees. I’ve pulled the plug out of the fbh but now it’s running very cool. Thermostat problem? Might plug the fbh in again and see if it warms engine up a bit. Any ideas?
  4. F

    Fuel Burning Heater

    I’ve disconnected the power to the fbh but the engines running very cool now. Might have to reconnect. Possible thermostat problem?
  5. F

    Fuel Burning Heater

    Mine comes on all the time now. If I pull the fuse will it reset?