1. maliamatt

    14th/15th April? Whos free?

    Very funy Lamriska, it's my mrs, the only pic i could find.... was it the handbag that gave it away???? ha ha
  2. maliamatt

    Peak district this weekend anyone?

    Hi guy's i'm new to the site really, even though i joined years ago!! But if anyone is thinking about a venture around the peaks this weekend, get in touch. . . . i'll bring the bbq!! ha ha Matt
  3. maliamatt

    14th/15th April? Whos free?

    Ah, see now i'v just spotted where you hail from, i'm a Bolton lad, so i'm thinking it could be a bit of a long shot for me to play out. . . . .bank holidays are always good though!! Matt
  4. maliamatt

    last minute, whos up for it?

    Can't believe i'v ust spotted that post now, i'v just got back from Strata Florida, awsome few days. Anyone was welcome! Next time you have a free day, give me a shout.
  5. maliamatt

    defender shower

    hi, i'm in the middle of overlanding up my 90 for a morrocco trip and am hell bent on putting a shower in, i'v got a shower mixer from whale and the pump etc, i just need a way of storing water, i want a permanant tank underneath some where, i'm thinking under the drivers seat, any one got...