1. W

    200tdi sump - a tale of woe

    Thanks kevstar, you 're a gent, looks a bit bent but I've bought it cause I'm p****d off with not having my landy☹
  2. W

    200tdi sump - a tale of woe

    About a month ago I was driving to work in my 90 when it decided to overrun and destroy the head gasket and eat the big end shells and melt a piston so I stripped it down, rebuilt it and got it all nice and perfect. Then, in a moment of pure genius, whilst hoisting my landys engine back into...
  3. W

    Taxing question

    Ok, thanks very much all for your help, greatly appreciated:)
  4. W

    Taxing question

    Hi all, Hope this is the right section to post in, I've come across an old series that has been off the road since 1994 but no one thought to tell DVLA, I.e. not declared SORN. Does that mean that if I try and use it on the road again I'm going to get clobbered with tax payments back to 1994?
  5. W

    Where can I find a straight through exhaust pipe?

    You can get a straight through side exit on eBay for a 200tdi 90
  6. W


    Evening everyone I am the slightly unhinged owner of a rough as a badger a*** defender 90 200tdi. Living in South Wales. Thus far it has been behaving itself remarkably well apart from a few small dilemmas Have fun Wilburforce :D