1. A

    Wheel wobble??

    Hi I had the same problem it turned out to be the front tyres had flat spots on the inner edges caused by under inflation, change back to front and new on back problem solved....
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    relay clicking when heater control is moved,

    Many thanks for pointing me in the right direction my td4 has one ....:)
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    relay clicking when heater control is moved,

    Hi, sorry its a td4 exi 2005, and whats a ptc heater, many thanks.
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    relay clicking when heater control is moved,

    Hi All. Stupid question when i switch the cabin heater control from cold to hot the revs go from low to high, there's a relay clicking from fuse box. many thanks...............
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    clutch master cylinder

    hi all, the clutch matster cylinder rod seems to have pulled its self out can it be repaired or new one. seems to work but with excessive travel, 2005 td4
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    Clutch travel excessive ,

    Hi All, i've checked the clutch pedal stop metal work but can't see anything out of place dosen't seem been in any way, when i press the clutch pedal i can see going down a go 2 inches before it pushing the push rod in, but as i said before this only happened as my foot slipped off clutch pedal...
  7. A

    Clutch travel excessive ,

    ok it stopped raining at last had a look by clutch pedal there a switch hanging down looks like its come off hanger on clutch pedal, what does that do and how do you bent clutch stop back. is it a clutch pedal out job or can it be knocked back it to place. many thanks:eek:
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    Clutch travel excessive ,

    many thanks mad hat man, i'll get on it when it stops raining.
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    Clutch travel excessive ,

    Hi all, help would be greatly aprisheated, driving home from france yesterday 2 weeks with no problems thank god, when my foot slipped off clutch pedal, a bit of a clank now pedal dosen't work till half way down,but clutch still works ok but seems abit higher than normal, had a look by clutch...
  10. A

    lacking power when pulling away when engine warm

    Hi, i've read the post on this engine lacking power when pulling away, this only happens when the engine has run for about 30 mins or so but not all the time. 2005 td4 19000 miles, used injector cleaner, no change.
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    vibration at low revs,

    hi, held the gear lever and the vibration gone, many thanks kevin
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    vibration at low revs,

    Many thanks to you both, i try this today, kevin
  13. A


    just found out only 1 bolt holding it in place easy removal'
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    vibration at low revs,

    Hi All. i have a td4 2005 which has a vibration at low rev, between 1200-1600. this vibration disappears under load , in gear or no gear selected, I've searched forums on this and read most of the freelanders have covered 40,000 plus , but mine has only done 12,000. kevin.
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    Hi, all, can the servo be removed with the evapoator air unit when still in passenger foot well. thanks.............
  16. A

    strange question to ask

    Hi All the servo motor by the heat inlet is not moving when the recirculation switch is on, also the answer to how many elephants can you balance on your head , depends how big your head is.
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    strange question to ask

    HI, All I know this is a strange question to ask, but when i press the air recirculation button on my 2005 freelander does the air flow increase . as it did on all my other cars. as this one dont. many thanks.