1. T

    Strange ABS Fault

    Hmm, the two new sensors were duff. I pulled the original LR out of the bin and spliced it back onto the new cable. Hey presto, No Amigos. Now I need to get my money back!
  2. T

    Hello form Cornwall

    Lovely part of the world
  3. T

    Strange ABS Fault

    Yes, I'm afraid it is. Have unplugged the other one to check!
  4. T

    Hello form Cornwall

    Near Porkellis, you?
  5. T

    Hello form Cornwall

    1 Done 2 Have got a Hawkeye, will that do? 3 Done cheers Rog
  6. T

    Strange ABS Fault

    Sorry its a long one. Went over bump, hey presto, three amigos. Plugged in Hawkeye, "ABS sensor broken wire, impedance too low etc front right wheel.. Inspected wire near sensor and it had rubbed on the hub and broken. Bought new sensor, installed it, plugged it in, Hawkeye still says broken...
  7. T

    Hello form Cornwall

    Hi , I am a 2001 Disco2 owner who lives in Cornwall, UK Been lurking or a while!