1. E

    Manual or Auto

    Forgive my ignorance but what is the VCU and what is the one wheel up test found it on you tube
  2. E

    Manual or Auto

    So does a Freelander Auto have a snow/ice setting button sorry that sounds a bit basic
  3. E

    Manual or Auto

    Thanks for that You can get really confused with everything that is on the web. I was concerned as I owned a manual TD4 a while ago and was pleased with it but never drove it in snow or ice My journey takes me through a forest area maybe i am panicking as we dont get that much really bad...
  4. E

    Manual or Auto

    Hi Please can I ask some advice I would like to buy a Freelander TD4 2004 onwards Mk 1 Face lift model Can you advise me on IS a auto okay on snow and Ice and does the auto gearbox have a setting for Snow/Ice I have to drive through a forest area (on road) to get to work and I am unsure if an...