1. J

    Classic 2 door Range Rover

    hi question, when did early 2 door Range rovers first get fitted with power steering or didn’t they ? And is it an easy retro fit. Which pump is needed etc Thanks
  2. J

    a727 auto box early Range Rover

  3. J

    Range Rover Chrysler a727 auto box

    Thanks yes already done ! But thanks anyway
  4. J

    a727 auto box early Range Rover

    Hi thanks for that it’s a good start :)
  5. J

    a727 auto box early Range Rover

    Hi thanks, but that’s what I have been doing and nothing that resembles box pan I have which appears to be factory ? Haven’t seen my filter yet so don’t know what’s it looks like. So was hope someone on here has specific part number and photos plus a supplier ? There’s loads of Chrysler spares...
  6. J

    a727 auto box early Range Rover

    trying to find supplier of filters, gaskets, for this Gearbox in uk that are reasonably priced, what are the correct parts numbers etc, any help would be appreciated, photos etc
  7. J

    Series 2 Changing to parabolic springs

    Why was he disqualified ? No reason why the parabolic shouldn’t be ok but depends on there rating and if once fitted you like the ride and handling
  8. J

    Range Rover Chrysler a727 auto box

    hello Does anyone know where you can get filters and gaskets for the a727 auto box fitted to early Range rovers in the uk at a reasonable price. All the stuff on eBay appears to be a different shape pan etc ? Any help would be appreciated