1. 2

    Rocker shaft bolt sheared

    Just finished replacing injector seals, and on replacing the rocker shaft, the final bolt has sheared......my own fault, skimped on reusing bolts. I hopefully tried a screw driver to get out, but not enough purchase on the top, so now need to remove. My initial plan is to use a left hand drill...
  2. 2

    Low speed noise/ wobble

    Hi all, Disco 2 03, non ace. I have a low knock/grating coming from what appears the front wheel/axle, which is only apparent at v low coasting speed (both in and out of gear), and a slight wobble when lifting off the accelerator at speeds over 50mph. Steering lock has no change to the...
  3. 2

    Disco 2 Oooops! - trans’.

    Ty gents, I hope you are both correct. If island 4x4 ever deliver my parts I can get it on the ground and check!!
  4. 2

    Disco 2 Oooops! - trans’.

    And drive to front axle only, with rear still on ground?
  5. 2

    Disco 2 Oooops! - trans’.

    So, Had my 53 TD5 disco (non ace, no diff lock) front end up to carry out a PAS box and Fuel pressure reg change (not the reason for the post, however now also waiting for a replacement drag link before I drop it). Both parts fitted, fuel line purged, so asked a friendly passing neighbour to...
  6. 2

    Hi from Bedfordshire

    Hello all, Been lurking for a little while, so thought I should introduce myself. I use a Disco 2 TD5, as my daily driver, also to pull loads (horses, firewood etc) and light off road use, farm tracks, stubbles, woodland rides etc. Starting to do some of the work on it myself, worked on my...
  7. 2

    Disco 2 PAS box o rings

    Ty d’dog, Managed to source the correct part numbers from island along with other bits. Worried that not all o rings are equal.
  8. 2

    Disco 2 PAS box o rings

    OK.. got QED100120 and QED100130.
  9. 2

    Disco 2 PAS box o rings

    Morning gents, can anyone help me identify the correct part no or size for the PAS box supply and return pipes o rings please? Cant seem to find a consistent answer. Thanks J