1. Masa


    Yes it is
  2. Masa


    Nev pictures !
  3. Masa


    thanks mates The video was interesting. The project is proceeding and I will put pictures of its progress
  4. Masa


    Hello I have a project-modified Discovery 1 / Series 2 88 Disco is used for all other parts except the body. I've shortened the chassis 12 'so the wheelbase is suitable. I think the project is easy to do but I would like to hear whether such changes have been made much on your island. All the...
  5. Masa


    Hello I have a project-modified Discovery 1 / Series 2 88 Disco is used for all other parts except the body. I've shortened the chassis 12 'so the wheelbase is suitable. I think the project is easy to do but I would like to hear whether such changes have been made much on your island. All the...
  6. Masa


    Hey I have a project change Discovery 1 / Series2 88 Disco used in other parts except in the body. I've shortened the beginning of the 12 ', so the wheelbase is suitable. I think the project is easy to do but I want to hear if such changes have been made much from your island. All tips, which I...
  7. Masa


    Hei Minulla on projektimuutos Discovery 1 / Series2 88 Discoa käytetään muissa osissa paitsi kehossa. Olen lyhentänyt alusta 12 ', joten akseliväli on sopiva. Mielestäni hanke on helppo tehdä, mutta haluan kuulla, onko tällaisia muutoksia tehty paljon saaristasi. Kaikki vinkit, joihin olen...