1. greg456

    Gear Selection Issues! - Cant get reverse

    Cheers guys, it does drop oil on the floor, however i was told when it was serviced that this was from the t/box and that being an old defender the issue wasn't worth worrying about at the moment as it wasn't that bad. I'll check the master cylinder to see whats going on
  2. greg456

    Gear Selection Issues! - Cant get reverse

    Hey guys, So i was driving to work the other day, it suddenly became fairly difficult to get the car into any gear. It then seemed to free itself up a bit and wasn't too bad, but then when i arrived at work I couldn't get it into reverse at all. It almost like something was blocking the gear...
  3. greg456

    Hey! Road tripping around the UK

    Hi everyone, I'm Greg. Picked up my 1994 Defender 90 back in March this year and love it! I've got a road trip planned around the UK at the end of July, starting from southend, travelling all the way up the east coast to Scotland, then back down the west coast through Wales. Fingers crossed I...