1. Dixie1985

    First land rover disco 1 trayback

    Ok it would seem the time has come for me to part with the disco :( unfortunately it hasn't had the use I was hoping it would (only ever gets tarmac use ) and I feel that is a serious shame. And to top it off it's just completely impractical for my needs. I love driving it so it's my daily but...
  2. Dixie1985

    First land rover disco 1 trayback

    Also as a point of curiosity if I was to put this up for sale (not that I necessarily will just a thought currently) any thoughts on where I should be value wise. I'm a little lost landy price wise
  3. Dixie1985

    First land rover disco 1 trayback

    I will do I think I'm going to pull them as not 100% happy with the fit. I will point out tho that they seem to sit closer to the steering wheel than the originals which could be a pain for some people.
  4. Dixie1985

    First land rover disco 1 trayback

    Cheers for that Info fellas I'll look into that. Unfortunately the landy has taken a back seat recently has I have another vw t25 in my possession currently and that's been getting more attention. Altho I have now sorted the thermostat return pipe. Sourced and fitted a rubber engine cover...
  5. Dixie1985

    Bristol area

    There is a fb group who do meet up at brislington park and ride then go off and do the local lanes across keynsham area and bath. May of been one of there meets. As for the camel trophy vehicles there are a number of them In keynsham and saltford. I've spoken to a couple of the owners nice chaps.
  6. Dixie1985

    First land rover disco 1 trayback

    been about a month since last post so thought I'd add a update. Head repair seems to of worked! Yay! (I know it's a relatively simple task but my first 300tdi job ) have covered quite a few miles this month (have been hauling stuff to and from shows) only issue I've had is the return pipe from...
  7. Dixie1985

    Wanted x4 Genuine Landrover HD steel wheels.

    You after tubes or tubeless? If I remember rightly there's about 10 of them in my garage. I'll go have a look for numbers on them.
  8. Dixie1985

    First land rover disco 1 trayback

    Right I know I still have the airlock issue but decided to start adding some bits I had floating about. So on with the lightbar above windscreen. Will wire it once the rain stops. Thinking of setting it up so it works with high beam and on a switch. So next on the list of un required mods is a...
  9. Dixie1985

    First land rover disco 1 trayback

    The lean has been there since I've had it think it's got worse recently tho but maybe wrong lol. But spoke to the fella who built it and he says it's always been there even when on stock springs he even tried 2 separate sets of aftermarket springs and shocks and apparently both sets had the...
  10. Dixie1985

    First land rover disco 1 trayback

    It's been a while since I've posted so here's the update turned out the replacement head I sourced was a 200tdi item not a 300tdi one found that out halfway through the job at least i now know the difference lol. So had the original tested and skimmed. Got it bolted back together and bar a small...
  11. Dixie1985

    Bristol area

    I started this tread with the simple intention of a regular/semi regular meet up of like minded enthusiasts either weekly monthly or such. But after a discussion with private penguin would there be any interest from those local (And further afield ) in a full day/over night (camping) type meet...
  12. Dixie1985

    Steep learning curve

    At this point I'm sure your knowledge surpasses mine in this area. So please correct me if im incorrect. But after reading a little yes the cylindrical effect of the bottles does make a difference of not causing a concentration of force as a cuboid would. Now however unlikely it would be to...
  13. Dixie1985

    Steep learning curve

    I don't know much in regards to pressurised equipment so probably wrong but I thought the fact that the tanks were cylindrical had something to do with it's effectiveness. Also if you could/did pressurise a section of sill and then ruptured it while off reading wouldn't the resulting pressure...
  14. Dixie1985

    Steep learning curve

    Is that actually possible with the pressures Likely involved? If so that's an absurdly brilliant idea
  15. Dixie1985

    Steep learning curve

    This probably seems like a really stupid question but do you mean a sill as a air reservoir?
  16. Dixie1985

    Bristol area

    If you are looking to sort something out and have the ability to accommodate I'm sure we can arrange something. Your more than welcome to contact me and we can start to look at options
  17. Dixie1985

    Bristol area

    Here's the flyer may also be worth taking a nose at there Facebook page if your interested as it has more details there.
  18. Dixie1985

    Bristol area

    Ok so if I look into organising some for of meet that isn't at restos driveway lol. I'm trying to figure out what sort of area would be central to everyone so we can then figure a place to stop and relax. Also if it's of any interest to anyone weekend of 27th of this month a couple of us will be...
  19. Dixie1985

    Bristol area

    Well that's something new I've learnt today so thank you. But I'm guessing as they are there it must be modified then.
  20. Dixie1985

    Bristol area

    To learn about landys and pick peoples brains you'd need to talk to Sean he's a absolute treasure chest of land rover information. Altho for some reason claims he doesn't understand how to engage locking diffs on his series. (I'm sure he enjoys watching the rest of us get covered in crap and...