1. P

    Sluggish Disco

    Thank you will do and let you know. Paul.
  2. P

    Sluggish Disco

    Cool but what hose are you talkin about? Sorry to sound a complete thicko! P
  3. P

    Sluggish Disco

    Cool many thanks will check.........I wasn't aware there was a sedimenter at the rear of the car! You learn something new every day. Will post the result. Cheers Paul.
  4. P

    Sluggish Disco

    Hi Fellow disco owners. My 1995 TDI ES Auto Disco is really sluggish going up hill. Along the flat she's fine (though accelertion is not fantastic) but up hill the power drfits off quite rapidly necessitating dropping down to 3rd then 2nd. I'd be grateful for any suggestions. Have read threads...
  5. P

    Hello to all

    Hello to all fellow Disco 300 TDi es auto owners.;) Looking forward to chatting to you all about my Disco and it's niggly problems and hopefully being able to help with yours. All the best Paul