1. T

    PLEASE Help me deal with V627/1 DVLA form

    think your right, its certainly turning into a dilemma and a huge headache. Thanks for advice
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    PLEASE Help me deal with V627/1 DVLA form

    The DVLA, cant get log book back until its done
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    PLEASE Help me deal with V627/1 DVLA form

    hello, thank you for answering me. I've literally took the roof off, painted it black and done some cosmetic work. but the chassis, framework etc hasnt been touched. Ive found some numbers on my steering and transmission, but i'm stumped on how to fill out the form. Dvla already have photos of...
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    PLEASE Help me deal with V627/1 DVLA form

    Hello all, I tried to be above board, honest and a good girl. So I told the DVLA about the changes I've made to my 1989 Defender 90. Can anyone PLEASE tell me where on the vehicle, I'd find the serial/ID numbers for: Axels (Front & Back) Transmission Steering Assembly Suspension (Front & Back...
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    Brake Pads for RTC5889R

    Thank you
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    Brake Pads for RTC5889R

    Hello everyone, a newbie & rookie here I was wondering if anyone could please tell me the parts number for which brake pads I need to fit the bearman RTC5889R. the ones I bought from MINTEX fell straight through I have a land rover defender 90 which has Discovery 1 Axels any help on this matter...
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    Brake Pads for RTC5889R

    Hello everyone, a newbie & rookie here I was wondering if anyone could please tell me the parts number for which brake pads I need to fit the bearman RTC5889R. the ones I bought from MINTEX fell straight through I have a land rover defender 90 which has Discovery 1 Axels any help on this matter...