1. S

    Driving to Oz

    Crikey - ok v useful. So what's your thoughts on staying in Russia till I get to China or going through Kazakhstan in terms of safety, roads, accomodationetc?
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    Driving to Oz

    Thanks for the offer Busaboy - live near Purley but still looking to source a vehicle. Had a long conversation with Daniel "Lonewolf" Moylan the other day (absolutely top bloke I've got to say) and he had nothing but good to say about Iran! V friendly people and very safe but Im still avoiding...
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    Driving to Oz

    Brilliant - ok will wing you something now. busaboy - have approached Macmillan Cancer Support. Might get that if I get a chance - just seen the reviews although if I end up in the Sahara I'm in trouble!
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    Driving to Oz

    Am planning on a drive to Australia leaving in May with my wife and young family (ok it sounds mad even as I type it) and looking to raise money for cancer (prevention!). Reading through a multitude of books and currently have some very helpful friends helping me source and spec up a 110...
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    Croisiere Blanche 90

    Be careful though - I did it last year and wrote off my camel 90 (mate driving). God only knows where it ended up