1. arminius6661

    Anybody want any bits off it?

    Wiper motors, both funtioning properly. They are yours! Remember folks, just a week to go and I will pm you all to make arrangements for pick-up/delivery methods. AJL
  2. arminius6661

    Anybody want any bits off it?

    Heatermotor woking but squeeky in all but the fastest setting. Both yours! AJL
  3. arminius6661

    Anybody want any bits off it?

    I'll have a look, but as far as I remember from when I exchanged the front prop, there are no covers on the underside of my Disco I. AJL
  4. arminius6661

    Anybody want any bits off it?

    Plastic?....Covers?....What, on my landy? Nah, get away with yer!
  5. arminius6661

    Anybody want any bits off it?

    I think it would be wrong in every way! I will post pictures of the int/exterior when I can find my usb lead. This Disco is 16 years old and as such is a bit spartan as regards it's fixtures and fittings. Andreas
  6. arminius6661

    A question about building a 100" Hybrid....

    culd do with the support mate, these lot round 'ere are mostly me bikin' mates and dont have a lot o' time fer 4 wheels, let alone 4x4's! Theyll all want 'elp movin shiit when its goin' an' I'll give 'em a finger an a smile when they moan about puttin doosel innit. AJL
  7. arminius6661

    Loss of Power and white smoke

    I'm gonna see our local diesel magician tomorrow and ask him while I'm there. He may spit rivets when I ask him a gaylander question, but no worries I'll shout it at 'im from over the road!!!! Andreas
  8. arminius6661

    Anybody want any bits off it?

    Farkit, I'll strip all I can down ta components fer summat to do and if'n any'un want stuff they can shout me on the pm's. I wanted a bit more ta keep me out the 'ouse wot with tthe new kid due any day now! AJL
  9. arminius6661

    bargain of the year, be quick !!!!!!

    better still me paydays a week tamorra and I can send then, owzat?
  10. arminius6661

    bargain of the year, be quick !!!!!!

    Dun, but I aint got poopal or owt like that so can I send it to ya?
  11. arminius6661

    bargain of the year, be quick !!!!!!

    Wotchawant fer the nearside 'un then?
  12. arminius6661

    A question about building a 100" Hybrid....

    I will make an entry in the gallery at every major step. Starting with the shell-less chassis and post a piccies at intervals thus; measuring datums for bulkhead outriggers and the fitted items with and without bulkhead, Lopping off and fitting of rear crossmember, Measuring, welding the...
  13. arminius6661

    Anybody want any bits off it?

    Kin 'ell.... only the farkin shell is available! :rolleyes: But seriously, just shout fer what ya want off it....the shell that is. ;) AJL
  14. arminius6661

    A question about building a 100" Hybrid....

    Obviously not.... I will proceed with caution and measure twice, cut once! Bugger some other blokes highly budgeted uber-hybrid build, I'm sure there are some good pointers on the film, but lets face it, from all I've heard so far each one is different. AJL
  15. arminius6661

    Anybody want any bits off it?

    :rolleyes: Only if theys ferked! :D
  16. arminius6661

    Loss of Power and white smoke

    Ooer, it sounds like either a blown turbo unit or a headgasket leak, either way you don't want to be running it without a proper check-up. Andreas p.s. which engine/model is it?
  17. arminius6661

    Anybody want any bits off it?

    I will post some piccies in the morning of the exterior and interior for those that want a colour matched part/s. AJL