1. M

    V8 LT77 from discovery shirt stick gear change to long stick

    Oh ok! I will take a look into this then. Will save me a lot of agro! Thanks
  2. M

    V8 LT77 from discovery shirt stick gear change to long stick

    I think you are trying to say that this is what I need .. https://www.johnrichardssurplus.co.uk/land-rover-lt77-r380-gearbox-gearstick-selector-shaft-frc7334.html
  3. M

    V8 LT77 from discovery shirt stick gear change to long stick

    Something like this? https://m.ebay.co.uk/itm/Land-Rover-R380-LT77-Gear-Box-Gearbox-Quadrant-Remote-Selector-Shaft-FTC7333-New-/312056381297
  4. M

    V8 LT77 from discovery shirt stick gear change to long stick

    Sorry I don’t quite understand what you are trying to say. Buy a later type LT77 quadrant? Or remote gear change unit or? Apologies again.
  5. M

    V8 LT77 from discovery shirt stick gear change to long stick

    Thanks for the info! That helps a lot. I had seen the adaptor on Ashcroft. So what would I do about the correct quadrant? I can buy the adapter no issue and I have 2 gearboxes available. One long stick and one short. Both LT77... thanks
  6. M

    V8 LT77 from discovery shirt stick gear change to long stick

    Hi all, Hope somembody can clear this up for me. Have done quite a bit of reading about the lt77 gearboxes and short stick/ long stick so I think I know the basics for fitting a v8 to one.. My question is if I can get hold of a discovery 1 lt77 v8 fitted gearbox and I have a long gear stick...